Attention Buyers: It takes just 5 quick and easy steps to view every home for sale in the country club or development of your choice w/photos. This is exactly the same way a Realtor does their search.

Step 1: Put a check in the box that says "residential" in section 1...after doing this another section will appear...just leave blank.
Step 2: Click on magnifying glass at the end of the "Area" section below and choose the city or area..then click "ok"
Step 3: Click on the magnifying glass at the end of the "Subdivisions" line in the next section and make your choice ...then click "ok"
Step 4: Put in a price range... do not make the price range to wide.
Step 5: Click on "Submit" at the bottom of's this easy. If you have difficulities then give me a call at 760-832-1517 and I will walk you through it.